The prize was awarded once in 2012 as »Giga-Hertz-Preis für Tanz und Medien« and is not announced any longer.
Every team of applicants who have already realised a work together can make
an application. The pieces handed in can express multifaceted
combinations and styles. No aesthetic borders are given, only
functional regards to the content. Most important criteria for the
appraisal of the submitted piece is the interaction between
choreography and music. Possible is an absolute electronic realisation,
also the involvement of instrumentalists or live-electronics. In this
technical frame the choreography is free. The human body/choreography
should control or effect the technical activities if possible. The way
of the involvement of electronic or electroacoustic parts is completely
free for the composer and the team. The ZKM | Institute for Music and
Acoustics will provide its studios and its technical support. The debut
performance of the piece will be held at ZKM in the last quarter of the
Please send your application to this address:
ZKM | Center for Art and Media Karlsruhe
ZKM | Institute for Music and Acoustics
Walter-Fink-Award of the ZKM
Lorenzstr. 19
D-76135 Karlsruhe
Please include:
1. A detailed discription of the piece/work which shall be realised
(max. three pages)
2. At least one example of a work created by the team (description and
DVD video), not more than five years old (max. three examples)
3. Curriculum Vitae
The deadline for applications for the Walter-Fink-Preis 2012 is closed.