bios [bible], 2007

The artist group robotlab takes up the issue of how people and machines relate: using industrial robots situations are deliberately caused, where the machine performs activities which are usually are subject to human culture. In the installation bios [bible], an industrial robot copies out the Bible in "handwriting." It performs calligraphic precision-work with a quill, like a monk in a monastery's scriptorium. In this way, two fundamentally different systems are related to each other: the formal noting of information and scripture as a basis for religion – scientific rationality and faith. bios [bible] (re)produces the entire Bible in seven months. The rolls of writing are subsequently deposited in the installation's "library."

Matthias Gommel, * 1970, Martina Haitz, * 1970, Jan Zappe, * 1969,
live and work in Karlsruhe (D)

robotlab, bios [bible], 2007
robot installation, dimensions variable
Installation view ZKM | Karlsruhe, 2007
courtesy robotlab
produced in cooperation with
ZKM | Center for Art and Media Karlsruhe
photo: robotlab
With kind support of KUKA, Wintopo, Papier Union, Lamy, Armstrong, Cordier