![]() After being interpreted by a machine (the blind; the dead; realism), 2008 The work entitled After being interpreted by a machine devotes itself thematically to the overall complex of Islamic strategies of imagery. Taking origins in aniconism as starting point, Islam develops its own idiosyncratic technique of imagery, which orientates itself according to the divine framework of information. The three documentary videos, entitled respectively the blind, the dead and realism, show the filmic consequences of the Islamic technique of iconography by means of religious films from Iran. Alongside the iconographic perspective of forbidding imagery, the video After being interpreted by a machine focuses on the specific impact on media of Islamic images, the production of which is legitimized by their technical reproducibility. Dorna Safaian, * 1984 in Teheran (IRN), lives and works in Karlsruhe (D) ![]() videoinstallation (colour, sound) runtime variable, loop editing: Kevin Mateew courtesy Dorna Safaian Produced in Cooperation with ZKM | Center for Art and Media Karlsruhe